How do I get started?
To get started, fill out this short form. Then we will reach out to you to schedule your initial one-on-one session with Andrew, the head coach. During this session Andrew will answer any questions you have, run you through a workout (which also serves as a movement assessment), and discuss your goals and what training program will align best for your goals and fitness level.
Do I need experience or some minimal level of fitness to start?
Definitely not. During your initial assessment, we will go over exactly what your current level of fitness is, what your goals are, and the best way of getting you where you want to be. Anyone can do this...we have members from 13 to 90 years old, all of various fitness levels; we work with anyone and everyone to help them get fitter, stronger, faster, and healthier.
I’ve never worked out before. Will I be able to participate?
Yes! No matter your fitness level, the coaches running your classes will be able to provide you the necessary instruction and scaling options available to ensure your success and safety during any workout. We will ensure you work within your personal limits while still allowing you to develop new strength, skills, and confidence to push your level of fitness forward.
What types of exercises should I expect to be doing?
We use exercises from all different fitness modalities, so you should expect a variety of movements, ranging from barbells to running to biking to gymnastics, and anywhere and everywhere in between.
Through our training you will become comfortable with: bodyweight movements (squats, push ups, pull ups, burpees, box jumps, rope climbs, etc.), barbell movements (squats, snatches, clean and jerks, deadlifts, presses, bench presses, etc.), gymnastic movements (pull ups, ring rows, muscle ups, handstands, handstand push ups, rope climbs, etc.), strongman movements (stones, tire flips, sled pushes, sled pulls, etc.), and all aspects of endurance movements (running, biking, rowing, jumping rope,etc.).
What’s the difference between your programs and how will I know which to follow?
During your initial session at Romeo Athletics, we will discuss each program in depth and based on your goals, training age, chronological age, and training limitations, select the best course for each individual.
If you have a specific goal you are looking to accomplish and want to find the fastest route to achieving your goal, Personal Training is the best option for you. A training platform is designed specifically for your goals, training age, chronological age, and any limitations you might have.
Our group classes includes a strength program that utilizes compound movement patterns that include squat, deadlift, bench, shoulder press, and the olympic lifts. Following the strength portion of the class, a high intensity conditioning piece is executed under the watchful eye of a coach. This program is utilized by athletes who have a competency in the primal movement patterns and are comfortable training with a barbell.
For Team Training, Individual Athletic Development Programs, and Corporate Training Programs, please contact us here.
How often should I work out?
The frequency of training depends on your current fitness level and what your goals are. There is no set answer for this question; it truly depends on what you are physically capable of doing and what you are looking to accomplish. You will discuss this with Andrew during your initial session while discussing goals and what training programs will fit you best.
What sets Romeo Athletics apart from other gyms?
Romeo Athletics has quite a few characteristics that set us apart from other gyms.
First and foremost, our broad scope of different training modalities and how they are best used to help you achieve your goal. There is a lot of BS out there in the fitness and strength world, and we have sifted through the BS to bring you the most practical and successfulprograms. We use a principle based training platform that ensure we stay true to our mission of delivering the results you are looking for.
The coaching staff at Romeo Athletics have all been “Home Grown.” Every coach started as a member and after achieving certain certifications and completion of an internship, earned their right to call themselves a coach.
In addition to the coaching staff and training platform, Romeo Athletics has an amazing community of athletes. This community participates in social events, competitions, charity events, and truly become close friends. We are very proud of our community.
Do you have showers?
Yes, we have 3 separate bathrooms with showers in each.
What if I can’t do certain movements yet?
No worries, that’s what we are here to teach you.
We will teach you the foundational movement patterns and gradually build on these until eventually a movement is performed perfectly.
If you cannot perform a movement due to injury or mobility restrictions, we can scale the movement so you are able to perform a movement that will deliver the same results.
How will I learn all the movements and feel comfortable in the classes?
Come to class, our coaches will teach you the foundational movement patterns and gradually build on these until eventually a movement is performed perfectly.
The more often you attend classes, the more comfortable you will become.
I’ve heard Conditioning/Strength Training/Lifting Weights can be intimidating. Is that true?
It might seem intimidating until you try it under the watchful eye of our coaches. We strive to ensure that all of our members are trained in moving safely, which means maintaining proper posture and position, and utilizing appropriate technique and mechanics to establish safety and success in all aspects of training.
Will lifting weights make me bulky?
No. The “bulky” look that most people are describing comes from years of specific training and nutrition to purposely achieve that look. What this means is, it takes significant effort to TRY to gain that kind of mass. We gear our training towards our athletes’ specific goals. If your goal is to gain mass, we will help you do that. If your goal is to be lean and “toned” and athletic, we will help you achieve that goal. We can do all of this through weightlifting with different rep schemes and intensity levels.
How long do classes take?
Generally, you are in and out within an hour, if you are following our Group Training Program; our group classes are hour-long sessions. That includes a warm up, coaching/instruction, skill session and workout.
Do I have to pick one program and stick to it, or can I switch programs?
When selecting a training program, you will work with Andrew to discuss what training program fits your goals. Once we’ve established the program that best fits you, we ask that athletes stick with this program until we need to shift programs to keep the gains coming.
What should I eat or drink before working out?
Everybody digests food differently and has different preferences for what to eat and drink prior to training. We recommend eating an easily digestible protein and carb about 90 minutes before training. This will give your body enough time to break this food down and use it as fuel for your upcoming workout.
You should be continuously drinking water throughout the course of the day. An easy water guideline for water consumption is 1 oz of water per pound of bodyweight.
What’s the benefit of working with a Personal Trainer vs. Group Classes?
If you have a specific goal you are looking to accomplish and want to find the fastest route to achieving your goal, Personal Training is the best option for you. A training platform is designed specifically for your goals, training age, chronological age, and any limitations you might have.
What’s the WOD?
WOD is an acronym for Workout of the Day. The conditioning portion of each class is typically referred to as the WOD.
What’s your drop-in policy?
We love having visitors, so all drop-ins are welcome! Just contact us today if you’re interested in dropping in. We’ll discuss your specific training situation (i.e. your training experience, desired class time or if you were looking for Open Gym availability, duration of the drop-in, etc.), we’ll have you sign a waiver and clarify the appropriate drop-in fee for your visit.
What do all those acronyms and abbreviations mean?
We use a lot of acronyms and abbreviations in the gym: WOD (Workout of the Day), AMRAP (As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible), AFAP (As Fast As Possible), PR (Personal Record)...
Here are some common acronyms and abbreviations:
- AMRAP: as many reps (sometimes rounds) as possible.
- BP: bench press.
- BS: back squat.
- BW: bodyweight.
- C&J: clean and jerk.
- C2: Concept II rowing machine.
- DL: deadlift.
- FS: front squat.
- GHD: equipment for performance of a glute-ham raise, or a GHD sit-up.
- GPP: general physical preparedness, aka "fitness."
- HSPU: handstand push-up.
- KB: kettlebell.
- KTE: knees-to-elbows.
- Met-con: metabolic-conditioning workout.
- MU: muscle-up.
- OHS: overhead squat.
- PR: personal record.
- PP: push press.
- PU: pull-ups, possibly push-ups depending on the context.
- Rep: repetition.
- Rx'd, as Rx'd: as prescribed or as written, done without any adjustments.
- RM: repetition maximum. Your 1RM is your max lift for 1 rep. Your 10 RM is the most you can lift 10 times.
- SDHP: sumo deadlift high pull.
- Set: a number of repetitions.
- TGU: Turkish get-up.
- TTB: toes-to-bar.
- WOD: workout of the day.