No Fads, Just Results
We are here for you - we will guide you on your journey toward becoming your best self!
I’ve been in the fitness industry for a long time and nothing makes me happier than seeing a client succeed! The goal doesn’t matter - it could be your first pull up, losing 10 pounds, losing 100 pounds, being able to squat pain free. What gets me excited and makes me happy is helping a client establish a goal and then helping them smash their goals and accomplish more than they ever thought possible!
I set out on a mission in 2009 when opening Romeo Athletics, and that mission is the same mission I’m on today: to provide tried and true methods that deliver results, accomplish goals, and cut out the bullsh*t.
Our team at Romeo Athletics is an amazing group of individuals who have committed themselves to changing lives one day at a time. Nothing fires this group up more than seeing a client taking the necessary steps to accomplish their goals. Day by day, step by step, the commitment necessary to achieve amazing things is happening within the walls of Romeo Athletics and our team is here to hold you accountable.
The members of Romeo Athletics who find the most success are not necessarily the “fire breathing fitness studs” who live out their days under the barbell (we love you too!) - but your fitness background or current fitness levels do not play into your future success. The biggest factor for our clients success is commitment to the process! That’s all you need: commitment.
We will lead you through the workouts, design a nutrition plan that works for you, teach you about the healthy habits that will make you a happier person. All you need to do is to commit to a plan, believe in the process, and take action!
At Romeo Athletics we believe that each person walking in our doors has an individualized goal to accomplish and that requires an individualized plan. For some clients, this plan may need more accountability or exercise modification and personal training might be the best fit. For some clients, they thrive in a high-energy atmosphere and group classes fit them best. Two things are true for every client walking in the door: they need to move everyday and eat a healthy diet. So we have created multiple coaching options for exercise and nutrition.
With the perfect plan, commitment, accountability, you can accomplish amazing things. We see it happen everyday at Romeo Athletics! We are here for you…to help you accomplish your goals, to help you change your life, to help you become the best version of yourself.
We do not make fake promises, sell schemes, fad diets, pills or shortcuts. We offer you tried and true methods that will require you to work hard, build habits, and make a commitment to change.
Let me ask you, what change do you want? What are your goals? Click here to sign up for an Intro Session today where our staff of professional coaches can help you establish the perfect plan to help you succeed.
I implore you to choose action, make the changes you are looking for…don’t wait!