The Governor

Coach Scott Leonard discusses how your thoughts and internal dialogue can impact your power output and effort during workouts.

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We all know “who” a Governor is.  But do we know “what” a governor is? During this brief I am going to discuss what a governor is and how it pertains to our fitness, at least in theory.

Ok, so for those of us confused about what a governor is and how it relates to fitness, Merriam-Webster Dictionary states a governor is: 4a: an attachment to a machine (such as a gasoline engine) for automatic control or limitation of speed, b: a device giving automatic control (as of pressure or temperature).

How does that type of governor translate into our fitness, our workouts and how does it impact what we may encounter?   In 1924 it was proposed by Archibald Hill, a noble prize-winning Physicist, that the brain protects the body and heart during strenuous exercise from anoxia—the absence of oxygen which can result in permanent damage to a part of the body.   

In 1997, Dr Tim Noakes, a running coach, college professor and ultra-marathoner, revitalized this theory and named it the “Central Governor Theory.”   He brought modern day science to it and found that the brain monitors our activities and subconsciously regulates or governs our body to a safe pace or safe level of exertion.  Meaning our brain holds us back to ensure we do not reach complete exhaustion and permanently damage our body.  (There is a lot more detailed science to this theory but not everyone wants to read an exercise physiology thesis so I will move on.)

What does this mean for us at Romeo Athletics, and are we truly reaching our full potential?  I will ask everyone reading this to ask and answer this question honestly:

During a workout have you ever felt as if you were at the point exhaustion (you know, that screw this moment I am done!!!) and the coach yells out “1 minute left!”.  At that point did you go harder and finish with newfound energy?

If you answered “yes,” then I believe that further proves the Central Governor Theory.  Because, if we truly were at the point of exhaustion, then we would have nothing left to go “harder.” I know everyone works hard and we all believe most days we are giving it 100%….but if we are truly running at full speed, giving everything we’ve got and are at the brink of exhaustion, then when we look into that reserve tank at the “one minute left” call, we would honestly have nothing left.

Now for the tricky part.  How do we safely overcome that?  Each person is different, obviously, and we must monitor our own bodies appropriately.  I am not suggesting you throw caution to the wind and injure yourself.  I think we can agree that our physical performance in the gym and in daily life is often affected by the gray matter between our ears.  

For me, I consistently talk to myself during workouts that are tough or a grind.  For those of you have been on the verbal end of my coaching, you know sometimes I will give you tough love and “encourage” you to dig deeper. Rest assured I do the same to myself in my own head. 

I think we all continually search for ways to get better in our fitness journey’s, that is why you come to Romeo Athletics.  We all talk about workouts, we talk about form while moving, we talk about nutrition, we talk about sleep patterns, we talk about stress levels and a whole lot more.   I challenge you during that next WOD to have an internal dialogue with yourself as your mind begins to take control of your effort.   Can you safely find a little more effort over the course of the WOD?  When the coach yells “ONE MINUTE LEFT!” have YOU controlled your effort or has the Central Governor been in control?

Feel free to grab me at the gym if you are interested in discussing this further.  I have always been intrigued with sports psychology, exercise physiology and how they work together.  Until then, master your mind and the body will follow.