Why I Opened Romeo Athletics...

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Have you ever wondered why I opened Romeo Athletics?

Romeo Athletics in Enfield exists because I know that most people struggle to know what health and fitness options will work for their specific goals.  I built a facility that is dedicated to providing custom health and fitness plans that WORK!  There is so much confusion and snake oil being sold in this industry, and we don’t want people to fall victim to that.  At Romeo Athletics, we are your trusted authority for all things Training and Nutrition. 

I got into the fitness industry because I have always had a passion to help people and I believe in the magic that commitment and hard work can produce.  Throughout my years working in different settings of the fitness industry, I’ve witnessed the truths behind what really works and what doesn’t. 

I am on a mission to provide our community with tried and true methods that will actually change their lives. 

I decided to open my business because I was tired of being limited on what tools I could and couldn’t use to help people.  Our community deserves Professional Coaches who are so knowledgeable, educated and experienced, that they can train any client with any limitation and help them accomplish their goals.  

Since opening the gym I’ve learned that there are no “one size fits all” fitness models and that each client not only has their own needs, but also their own likes and dislikes.  Training needs to be enjoyable so you look forward to it and continue with it consistently.  Even though there is no “one size fits all” model, there are Training Principles that can be applied to everyone that hold true and deliver results.  Professional Coaches are the best resource for our community to learn how to train, how to train safely, and how to stay accountable so goals are achieved and lives are changed!

Today I’m more invested than ever in helping clients on their individual health and wellness journeys.  We have the best and most talented Training and Nutrition Coaches to ensure our clients’ success. 

If you’d like to find out more about how we can help you, click HERE to book a free intro and start your journey with us today!