Season 2 Episode 3: Hank Casagrande - PRP, Stem Cells, and Cryotherapy

This is episode three of season two of RA Radio, and today we're talking to Hank Casagrande. We talk about all sorts of recovery tools in the journey to longevity through performance and the role of surgical vs alternative treatments.

Hank Casagrande is a certified Physician Assistant specialized in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine.

Currently working at New England Orthopedic Surgeons, Father to four (Ryan, Jack, Lexi, Will) and husband to one (Rachel).

Honorable discharged Major after 10 years Army, 4 years Air Force, Actively researching and implementing new medical developments in the treatment of injuries.

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This is episode three of season two of RA Radio, and today we're talking to Hank Casagrande. We talk about all sorts of recovery tools in the journey to longevity through performance and the role of surgical vs alternative treatments. Hank Casagrande is a certified Physician Assistant specialized in Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine.